Policy on Modifications to Housing and Dining
Modified Housing and/or Dining Policy
The University of New Haven strives to provide a variety of housing and dietary arrangements to suit the needs of our students. We recognize that there are circumstances where specific requests and accommodations may need to be considered.
Students requesting consideration for housing modifications, including but not limited to specific types of rooms (e.g. single room, double room), access to specific facilities/equipment within a room (e.g. bathroom or cooking facilities, roll-in or transfer showers), use of alternatives due to a medical condition (e.g. air conditioning) or requests for emotional support animals (ESAs) should complete a Modified Housing/Dining application as outlined in the procedures below. Requests for modifications to housing or dining are carefully evaluated by the 504/ADA/FHA Committee or the Dining Services Committee. Specific residence halls, room types and/or meal plan options are not guaranteed.
Modified Housing/Dining Procedures
Students must submit a completed Modified Housing/Dining application including the Modified Housing/Dining Request Form and the appropriate Disability Verification Form (Housing/Dining) or Disability Verification Form (ESAs).
Applications can be submitted at any time with the understanding that the 504/ADA/FHA Committee meets once per month (generally the first full week of the month.)
New students should submit requests no later than July 1 to ensure accommodations can be met in a timely manner.
Returning students and entering spring semester students should submit requests no later than January 1.
Students must submit all required documents for their application to be reviewed by the 504/ADA/FHA Committee. Failure to provide all the documentation will result in a delay of a timely approval.
Notification of approval or denial for all types of requested accommodation will be sent to student’s university email account.
Dining Accommodations
The University of New Haven Dining Service Team is committed to providing students with an exceptional dining experience that takes into consideration their dietary needs, lifestyle choices, cultural backgrounds and religious affiliations. The menus are designed to accommodate students who are gluten free, as well as those who prefer a vegan or vegetarian diet. Students requesting modified dining options will have the opportunity to meet with the Dining Services to review their dietary concerns, to be made aware of available resources and alternatives, and to assure an appropriate determination can be made regarding the request.
Students should complete the Modified Housing/Dining application when requesting modified dining options.
Modified Housing/Dining Renewals
Modified Housing and Modified Dining is approved for up to an academic year and must be renewed. Students are required to confirm their wish to renew accommodations each academic year. All approved students will be notified of the renewal process by email in early to mid-January. Students must submit their Modified Housing/Dining Accommodation Renewal form renewal by the stated February 3 deadline.
In addition, students approved for modified housing must be in good financial standing with the Bursar’s Office, submitted their Room Deposit, and completed their Housing Application by the published deadline. Depending on the housing modification approved, a student may have the opportunity to request a roommate(s). Intended roommates must be in good financial standing with the Bursar’s Office, submitted their Room Deposit, and completed their Housing Application by the published deadline. Students who are provided the opportunity to request roommate(s), will work with the Office of Residential Life regarding available housing options and permitted roommate group sizes. Students must have confirmed their intent to live in residential housing in order to re-apply for modify housing for the new academic year.
Grievance Procedure
Any student who feels he/she has been denied access to a requested accommodation has the right to invoke the Grievance Procedure with the Dean of Students Office within five (5) business days of receiving the official decision. All grievances must be submitted in writing and sent to the Dean of Students Office at deanofstudents@yopin365.com. You may contact the Accessibility Resources Center to review the process in more detail. The Dean of Students will review the grievance based on the following grounds:
To determine whether the 504/ADA/FHA Committee reviewed your case fairly in light of the information presented.
To determine whether the outcome was appropriate for the accommodation requested.
To consider new information sufficient to alter a decision or other relevant facts not brought out in the original request because such information and/or facts were not known or available at the time of the request.
The Dean of Students or designee will meet with the student to discuss the specifics of the grievance and will make a final determination and/or make appropriate referrals. The student and appropriate departments will be notified of the decision.